Thursday, November 12, 2009


Recalling the past discussions we had back in high school, there’s this one intersting topic which really tickled my senses. I ain’t sure if it’s from the Aztecs or the Mayas but the main point of that issue was their prediction of the End of the World. It was stated there that it will occur in the 10th of December 2012. Hearing that perhaps would not just give you any goosebumps but would really scare you to death, considering that we’re getting nearer and nearer to that date. But ooops… not really! Wasn’t that Armageddon thing being predicted so many times before saying that the earth would be crushed into pieces by that year, the millennium, and blah blah blah and yet until now, the earth still exists? The question which I want to raise up is this: Are there any miscalculations or misinterpreted times on the part of the so-called modern-day prophets about the end of the world?

I reflected on this issue and read the Scripture from Matthew 24:36 which says, "No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven,nor the Son, but only the Father." This verse had given me a vivid explanation of why up to this very moment, nobody, and I am saying nobody can correctly prophesy the exact day, year and time of the Lord’s second coming. Of course in these days, a lot of scientists, astrologists, and other people who consider themselves "experts" have been studying, calculating, and trying to figure out when these end times will occur. Well frankly speaking, I think it’s such a WASTE OF TIME! Why spend their most precious times left on earth by seeking for an answer which none of us can really find. We also know for a fact that many many peaople nowadays are being non-chalant about these issues and they’re just saying, "unsa ba’y labot nako anang judgement day oi, di man na tinuod! wala pa man lagi na nahitabo?" Some of us believe, some of us do not. Some are serious about it, while some just make fun of it. It’s truly a painful fact that many of us have remained unrepentant of our sins and still continue doing the filthy things that are very much abominable to the Lord.
If we try to look at it, God has been very very patient to His people that He has given us much more time to change our bad ways, repent for our sins, and know more of Him who has created the heaven and the earth and all its creatures. According to 2 Peter 3:9, it says that "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understood slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." HALLELUJAH! See, the Lord loves us so dearly that He has granted us with ample time to turn away from our evil deeds and submit ourselves to Him! In these times and even before, the Lord doesn’t command us to study, research, and prophesy the exact day of His coming for we cannot. What He truly seeks for is our faith in Jesus Christ and our repentant hearts. Every second of our lives counts as a preparation for the Lord’s coming and we ought to live it holy and godly.

To those of you reading this article, let’s encourage one another to turn to God NOW, not tomorrow, not the next day or not even later. Because according to 2 Peter 3:10, "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare." I believe that we are approaching the end times as evidenced by poverty, war against nations, great earthquakes and other destructive calamities striking in different parts of the world. To us who are blessed to be alive at this very moment, these phenomena serve as warnings and wake-up calls to turn to our Mighty Savior Jesus Christ and leave the evil deeds of this filthy world behind. Let’s stop being hateful to one another. Put an end to drunkenness and wild parties which then lead to sexual immorality. Throw away those cruel and foolish words that come out of the mouth but instead, try to live a kind of life that is very much pleasing in the eyes of God. But as human beings, I know it ain’t that easy to change that kinda lifestyle right there and there because it needs a lot of adjustments and sacrifices as the process goes on. But as the Bible says in Luke 1:37,"For nothing is impossible with God." Let’s ask for the help of our Mighty Creator and we would be much amazed on how He will turn the unprepared beings into brave soldiers, armed with the belt of TRUTH, breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and shield of FAITH, which will make us prepare in the day of the Lord’s judgment because whether we like it or not, Jesus will come back for He said in John 14:28, "You heard me say, I am going away and I am coming back to you."


"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

Clearly, the Scripture tells us that there is something far more amazing to expect than these naked eyes of ours have seen in this world. Admit it or not, million minds nowadays are being corrupted by the mentality of working so hard in storing up temporal riches on earth no matter what it takes, whether stealing, cheating, or killing. People make tons of money, own acres of land fields, buy luxury cars, and other stuff which aren’t really needed at all. But really, why waste our precious times left on earth for nothing? Money can be stolen and corrupted, land fields can be destroyed by pests, cars can be ruined and worst of all, all these senseless materials cannot save our souls from the eternal flames of hell. Well, I am not saying that we shouldn’t be working for ourselves anymore and we shouldn’t be thankful for all God’s blessings in our lives, of course we should be! All of us are in these flesh and bodies that still feel physical weakness, hunger, and thirst that is why the basic needs in life such as food, water, clothings, and shelter are still significant. Having these things that help us survive in this physical world are great blessings from the Lord. What we always have to bear in mind is that when we prosper and succeed, it is not through the work of our own hands but it is part of God’s plans and we should always be thankful to Him.

In the Scripture from Matthew 6:19-21, it says that what we have to work hard for and be the ultimate goal in this life is not momentary fame and fortune but instead, our salvation and our place in heaven. We always have to be deeply rooted with the Word of God, living to please Him and not oursleves, and putting our hope on what is unseen, not on what is seen which is only meant to be burnt and destroyed.If we continue doing the things that please the Father, then that’s the time we become richer and richer, not in this temporary world, but in the everlasting Kingdom of God where real treasures can be seen, more than what we have asked for and imagined…
To all of you reading this article and even to myself, let’s start storing up for ourselves real wealth because we’ll never know when the Mighty Creator gives out the overflowing treasures for His people. Let’s not waste that eternal opportunity!!!

Life Testimony (4 years ago)

I asked myself, "What kind of life have I lived for the past years? Did I ever contemplate about the most intrinsic definition of life?" Now with my most straightforward answer to this self-asked question, I didn’t! Life for me was earth-centered. I wasn’t even thinking that one day I’d be facing the most crucial part of my life and that is death.

My definition of life was actually lifeless! It’s like a Dead Sea existing without even knowing and utilizing its purpose. I was once wanderlust, seeking for those earthly desires yet I was nowhere to be found. I thought it would be best if I’d do this and do that, partying like there’s no tomorrow, spending money for senseless pleasantries, and believing foolish advices which have only brought me much deeper to the grave. That time when I was a cumbersome being, I was carrying a luggage of great pride and anguish. I believed that after a night spent with friends, singing and drinking, I’d wake up with a renewed kind of life free from hurts and tears. But, how wrong I was! What I got instead were exhausted body, distressed mind and still, a heart full of burdens and pains. Consider it as a temporary abode, living in a luxurious room for a while where sorrows are eased momentarily. At that point of my life, I was like searching for that missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle in a large pool of garbage with no one to help me out in finding that single fragment. But one day, the most amazing turning point of my life had occurred and all this happened because of this much-long unnoticed book waiting to be read, the Bible!

The change in my life was gradual. It didn’t take me a single reading to modify my thoughts and ways entirely, not even now. But as weeks and months went by, I realized that my perspectives in life were slowly coming to a change, a change which I truly consider remarkable! Little did I know that I was beginning to establish a fellowship with a Man whom I had been hearing since I was a child but then did not really know at all. His name is Jesus, the One who presented me the true essence of life, what it’s like to be living with a purpose and how it’s like to be fulfilling His own purposes, not mine. He helped me crossover the biggest barriers in my life which have been hindering me from walking in the path of righteousness and following God’s ways. I prayed to Him that one day, I’d be able to use the gifts that God has granted me with an unselfish desire of praising and exalting His name. As I talked to the Lord, my prayers were answered! Just because of that one-night meeting with someone I haven’t seen for quite a long time (my cousin), the pattern of my life had definitely changed! I was like a pick-up truck making a detour towards the bright open road and avoiding the dark tunnel that I used to travel along during my bad old days. I knew I was called and so with all determination and willingness, I obeyed. That great decision I had made has given me an inexplicable feeling of joy that no earthly thing can ever be compared to it.

Now I’m enjoying the renewed kind of life which God Himself had revealed to me, playing music for His glory, sharing wonderful experiences with my family, my friends, and with the new people whom I now consider as my second family, my church mates. I know that I’m just getting started and I plan to fulfill God’s scheme in any way I can until how long God intends to make me breathe. And whenever troubles and melancholy arise again, I believe that God’s love is my only windowpane, for only in Jesus I had discovered life’s utmost meaning… Thank You Jesus!

No More Neverland

There was this little girl who was very fond of watching this tagalized cartoon series entitled Peter Pan. She was so amazed by the whole story, the characters and most especially, the place where the whole story evolved, Neverland. This little girl was so fascinated with the place and she pictured it out as a real paradise filled with pine trees, different flowers, streams and rivers and a gazillion hectares of green fields. Funny how she’d always climb up into their rooftop and just stare at the blue sky, imagining that she could fly to the land of the unknown.

While she was growing up, the thought of the place still lingered in her thoughts and it was very evident in her art works, poetry and song-writing. Seeing nature such as pine trees makes her feel at ease. Shallow? Yes maybe but not for her. The ultimate dream for her was to live in that kind of place. America she thought. Korea, Australia and New Zealand were also great options. But despite of all these day-dreaming stuff she had been doing, she was suddenly struck by this one statement. “There is no contentment in this lifetime.” The girl realized that no matter where her feet brought her, her heart will still have a vast room for unending desires, thirsty for a much greener pasture. And so I contemplated. Oh, did I just say “I”? By the way, the girl I’ve been talking about is me. Yes I reflected.

Just before my whole world was almost buried six feet below the ground, I found the answer. The place I have been dying to go to my entire life is not of this world. Not America, not Australia or not even the Caribbean. It is far beyond my wildest imagination or any man’s description. It is unfathomably beautiful, and its splendor has not even entered the minds of men. It is called heaven. Finally, I now know why they named that Peter pan place Never Land. Because there will NEVER be a place in this world that is meant to last for all eternity.